Southport Oak Island Interchurch Fellowship

The fellowship is composed of area churches, representing various denominations that seek to offer a united witness to Jesus Christ in this community by working collectively in its attempt to be obedient to the Gospel.

It is the desire of the Fellowship to build bridges among denominations and peoples, and to meet short tem, temporary human needs, and to participate in and support those community projects that best foster the admonition of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew when said, “..for I was hungry and your gave me food I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.”

We appreciate your encouragement for the task we have in serving and for responding to the needs of our community. As a non-profit group of churches in the Southport-Oak Island area, we work to provide a united witness of Christ among the denominations and to help meet emergency human needs of people in our area. You are helping needy families and individuals in our community who go without proper food every day or have emergency financial needs due to a variety of factors including injuries, illness, low wages, job loss, age, domestic violence, or divorce. While all of us are susceptible to hard times, children and the elderly are at the most risk, and they are included in the clients we serve. We serve around 400 to 500 families each month through the pantry or with financial help. Emergency financial help for housing, utilities or medicine are given through our Human Needs Fund.

Your gifts are from God and a blessing to the people in this community. We hope you will pray for the continued effort before us.